Thursday, July 31, 2008

What are you looking at?

If you must know... its my breakfast and lunch today!! LOL!!! Raw carrot, cucumber and onions plus a can of tuna(not in pic). I had the corn bread with egg mayo stuffing for breakfast. Actually, the chilli nori with the overflowed egg mayo tasted better than the bread. ^_*


3lilangels said...

Aiyoh. You and Emily got so interesting presentation one. I wanna copy also.

Chili nori and egg mayo - must say I haven't tried that combi before. I'm intrigued, furthermore less calorie than the bread.

Biblo said...

I will try the chilli nori with egg mayo again. Plus salad should be enough for lunch.

Rachel said...

I must say I like the way you post your "bento"...such interesting way! How did you do it?! You must be a IT expert!

Biblo said...

LOL!!! IT expert? Not by a long yard stick...

Its very easy.. just go to the website and follow the instructions. The link is on the previous post under the cube.