Monday, September 22, 2008

22nd Sept : Bento # 23

Today's lunch is rather bland but healthy? No, oil. Boiled cauliflower and broccoli, cut tomatoes. Brown rice sprinkle with furikake in the bottom box. There were some more cauliflower and broccoli hidden beneath the rice. Can't stand it, had to add some meat floss while eating....

By the way, the Little Oxford Dictionary said that the broccoli is a hardy variety of cauliflower!!?? I didn't know that....


Emily said...

Aiseh! Dont torture oneself! Must have some protein! Meat floss is great and handy idea!

Add a dash to sesame oil to the vegs before steaming!

Thanks for the update on hardy cauliflower!

3lilangels said...

Aiyoh, eat also check dictionary ah? Too intellectual for me lah... hehe...

I cannot survive without protein. Next time, open a can of tuna / sardine, or a few slices of ham. That's what I had today, fried rice and ham. *_^

LODY said...

just looking at it, i know it's yummy... lol
i prepared finger lickin' good appetizers for lunch today... very fattening. lol