This was Tuesday bento. Brown rice sprinkle with black sesame seeds. Korean pickles and duck meat in the upper box. My usual salad - lettuce, peppers, onions and cherry tomatoes. The only difference was I pack the lettuce in a bento box not a plastic bag and I forgot my metal bowl....
Just found out that another colleague quietly started a blog last month and already have quite a following but alas it is in mandarin.... I can only admire the pictures.
Me too! Can only admire the pictures and have you noticed Twister put both our blogs on her blog roll! Thanks Twister!
Yup, that's about the only other thing that I can read on Twister's blog.... LOL!!!
Yeahlah, got how-to-make-sushi blogs in mandarin, but so frustrating that we cannot readlah.
Ooh, petai. Our big sis would jump for that.
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