Monday, January 12, 2009

About something that put a smile on my face...

Donuts? Well, food always put a smile on my face... ^_* Do you know that these are the current fads? People are actually queing up to buy and the queue can be quite long. Even got TV programs about them...

But what really put a smile on my face was this.... (Rozita asked for my address so I know something was coming in the mail but I didn't know what.)

Found in my mail box this morning was a handmade card and bento belt from Rozita. How sweet is that?

Happy bento-ing!! Not that I have been doing that much. I don't know that I have been giving advise but am glad that Rozita thought so. LOL!!!
Roz, thanks very much for the lovely card and belt. They will also serve to remind me that I have to keep on bento-ing...


Emily said...

I received one too!

twister said...

wat a nice card!

3lilangels said...

A homemade bento belt! So Sweet!! You are very blessed.

So what's happening to your bentos? I also have backlogs from last week.... writer's block.... good excuse huh?

Rozita said...

U r welcome! Thank you for entertaining my questions on bento.