Biblo's blog
Friday, June 11, 2010
The Internet is Forever
Thursday, June 10, 2010
June 10, 2010
Yikes! Can someone please tell me what I have been doing these past few months? Would you believe if I said I was kidnapped, got hit in the head and was in a coma?
Obviously I woke up else I won't be posting here.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Swirling Bag

I used Nona 88, 95, 63 and 89 for anyone who is interested to know. Anyway, I thought the colours were too bright and went to get something more pastel. I used the same purple and green, with a lighter blue and orange. Problem was the orange was Minlon and not Nona. Thinking the Minlon was a little thinner, I used two strands of different colours for the orange part. Anyway, ended up with different tension and got this....

I made a couple more but still no sign of Emily's .... LOL!!! Meaning it was given away to someone else.
They all look almost the same, you won't know if I say this is the one I made for Emily. ^_* I wanted to surprise Emily but she already guessed when I said am sending her something. So, I better blog it up before laziness sets in again. I still have enough yarns for 3 more!
Most important is that I am happy making them, right?
The free pattern can be downloaded here - knittingdaily
Monday, October 26, 2009
Lovely Blog Award?

Anyway, Javapot wants to know what Biblo means. I don't know what it means but I can tell you how it came about..... ^_*
Around that time a few years ago when I was registering in some forums due to the Korean drama addiction, I was reading this book :

Well, the hobbit's name was actually Bilbo... and that was what I used to register as my user id. But when I tried to log in again, I keep getting wrong password message. It was later that I found out that my user id was actually Biblo and so it stayed.... ^_*
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
What are friends for?

Yes, this one behind the newspaper. And it is a known fact that breakfast can also mean lunch, shopping or driving around looking at show houses... so there is no point in asking, how long is this going to take? Just be prepared to spend at least a few hours and if you don't put your foot down, it might end up with dinner as well. Luckily, I refused the suggestion for a foot massage and arrived back in Pontian around 4.30 pm, a few hours late for my weekend job.

Of course, your friend said we were doing field study for the Nusantara area. Is it worth to buy the company's stock behind these projects? *cough*
Anyway, I was feeling dizzy and nausea(I have this motion sickness problem) from the driving around that we ended up at the club house having a drink.

The other suffering good friend - Wei Lee.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Empty Room
Monday, August 24, 2009
Room without the door
Don't know what I did to the above photo.. must have stretch/skewed it not proportionately.